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Old 2008-04-25, 10:33   Link #260
feed me weird things
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Cheesehead
Originally Posted by Ichihara Asako View Post
Right. I'm not sure what you're getting at. Most shows are broadcast in 16:9 off the bat. There are very few things in 4:3 anymore. Clannad and this are the only examples I know of in recent history.

Also, I've never seen a 16:9 version of the first season, so I've no idea what you're talking about.

What other shows air in 4:3 while having 16:9 source? Kenichi is the last show I recall in 4:3, other than long running stuff like Naruto and Bleach -- and even they seem to have made the transition to 16:9 finally.
Sorry, i wrote that after waking up... very antagonistic. Sorry about that.

Check torrent sites with raws, and you'll see various resolutions, some even marked with FS or WS as well. I kinda gathered this was the norm, and has been for a while.

evidence with xxxHOLiC season 1, even without finding old raws: the US DVD release is widescreen, while all the fansubs you'll find were fullscreen. Demonstrates that Production I.G did make it in widescreen. doesn't answer the question of whether the widescreen was ever broadcast on BSi or not. I did see a few raws out there way back then that were, but you'd have to take my word on that. But in general, if it says BSi, its probably a better source than a non-BSi (save raw provider reencode issues)

American TV has been the same way, although recently, letterboxed broadcasts have become more common. Altho they don't wait 3 weeks to show the widescreen like Japan does. But really the only way to tell is to have both analog TV or a 4:3 digital broadcast, and a widescreen broadcast version at your disposal.
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