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Old 2008-05-11, 09:27   Link #1809
Lord of Blades
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: in Unlimited Blade Works
Age: 33
I need to confirm something....

My apologies on the mistake--she doesn't know about Caster's previous master.
In the anime she knows that caster loses her master and reside in Ryudouji. Is that just a deduction of hers??

The swords that is in UBW...can Shirou or archer unleash each and every swords true power?? Or are they just like Gilgamesh Gate of Babylon's Noble phantasm to be used to shoot at the enemy and finally finish the off with Enuma Ealish??

Can Gate of Babylon be considered as Noble phantasm?? Now that I mention it does all noble phantasm in Gate of Babylon an offensive type?? Cause I can't really imagine a god hand or Rho Aias to be shoot out like other Noble phantasm or to be pulled out from the Gate of babylon....

Spoiler for Heaven's feel:

Different archer from different timeline should vary in strength right?? The shirou in Fate Stay Night will probably become an archer who can use 'avalon' and shirou from UBW should be able to master UBW by the time he's archer age right??

What does Caster mean "A servant from the 3 knight class servant should be able to defeat me but it's impossible for you rider."

What unchivalrously act that Arturia commit that causes her to lost that sword??

Problem is, the anime is inaccurate. If only there's a CG of Gilgamesh firing his swords at Saber in the game(please note that I only take the PC game as accurate), then I can deduce how fast Gilgamesh can take out and shoot his swords. With that I can then deduce how fast Saber charges, which would allow me to deduce how fast Archer trace at maximum speed.
That is true but if gilgamesh took longer than five second to summon the noble phantasm he would most certainly die when using it against servant saber....

What is the catalyst needed to summon Cu Chulainn??

Fragarach isn't it a sword that belongs to Cu Chulain which is forged by the gods??

Enkidu are meant to restrain the servant with a high divinity right?? Can a servant struggle of the Enkidu if he does not have any divinity running in his blood?

What is the lowest rank needed to dodge Cu Chulainn Gae Bolg ?

Can assassin's Tsubame Gaeshi hurt Berserker??

I've seen a trailer about FSN and there's something in there that's missing in Fate Stay Night anime like Lancer coming through the ceiling to fight Shirou and also the fight against saber, in the anime Lancer doesn't look that much but I'm having second thought just from seeing the review...Why do they cut this scene??
Perhaps I ask too much...

Last edited by Blade_Lord; 2008-05-11 at 10:18.
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