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Old 2008-05-12, 12:44   Link #185
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Originally Posted by 4Tran View Post
Ranka was all of five years old when the 117th Exploration Fleet was attacked; I doubt that getting her old memories back would change her character all that much.

With Zentradi fold technology, time is dilated so that a single day that passes in foldspace will mean that ten days have passed in real space. I don't know if human fold technology is the same, but I would presume so.
Well, fold operations apparently don't normally spend significant periods of time in foldspace.

The accidental fold from Earth to Pluto in SDF Macross was near instantaneous.

Isamu's fold from Eden to Earth arrived the same day for the final battle in Macross Plus, and if the map of the colonization routes in Frontier is to scale, Eden is relatively far from earth.

Likewise, the NUNS recon squadron in Episode 06 executed a ''short-range" 12 lightyear fold and arrived at most hours later in real time.

The reason for the 10 days from the long range fold was that the Bodolle Zer fleet was stationed in a far remote sector of the galaxy.
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