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Old 2008-05-13, 22:31   Link #1094
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Age: 33
I think the word slaughtered is a little too harsh. Maybe he's killed some in the line of work, but it's not like he wakes up everyday and thinks "oh boy, I wonder how many Japenese I get to kill today." And like it has been said, most of the people that Suzuku has killed are terrorists or soliders who were trying to kill him at the moment. I don't recall Suzuku specifically killing any civilians. In fact, he gets shot in the very first episode for not shooting LeLouch, since he feels that Lelouch was an innocent civilian who did nothing wrong. And I think it's been stated in the series that if he didn't kill his father, Japan would be in a much worse situation than it is right now, as it would simply be a battleground for all three superpowers, which would have killed much more Japenese and left it much more desolate and barren.
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