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Old 2008-05-16, 13:36   Link #34
White Manju Bun
Anxious bookseller
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Shibuya Psychic Research
Originally Posted by Sorrow-K View Post
I think this is the major problem with this show... it's just missing a bit of tension in the atmosphere that would make it really compelling and that would probably be there if it were a little more polished.
I agree, though Im still having a difficult time as too why the tension is missing, maybe on my part is cuz I know whats coming since Im a manga reader but I remember another poster saying in an earlier post that she/he was on the edge of their seat during the first blood sucking scene in the manga (atleast I think that was the scene, they were referrring too), I was the same way. Also when Zero is offically shown as a vampire in the manga I was floored, the anime didnt give me that feeling.

Dont get me wrong, Im enjoying the anime, this particular series has been on my "must-animate" list for a while but I agree that certain scenes havent been protrayed as well, but yet some have, ie: the flash back to when Yuuki meets Zero, I loved the anime vers of it. So que sera sera I guess

Side note, agreeing with Sinestra, ED still hella creepy!
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