Thread: Licensed Sekirei / Jupiterjukers
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Old 2008-05-19, 22:04   Link #248
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by KiNA View Post
I think you guys are forgetting that sekireis react to their ashikabi based on the ashikabi's power.. with more powers, they are capable in attracting more powerful sekirei. Matsu react after he gains 2, then with Matsu in the list he summoned the feeling of Tsukiumi and later on Kazehana.

Kagari didnt react earlier to Minato because he isnt powerful enough, only after he got Kazehana does Kagari start reacting to him. So now the question is whether Kagari inclusion in his harem make Asami react (since she no longer have an ashikabi) or not.

Dont forget we are entering a new stage with the last sekirei is winged. What happened in this stage? what if one of the rule in this stage is you are capable to take other ashikabi's sekirei? If it does, then Manju would probably wished Kagari is turned over to Yukari .. maybe they exchange sekirei, or maybe now Minato can take care Uzume in his harem if her ashikabi died .. Or Asami =3
We'll see of course, but everything we've seen so far that corresponds to your theory applies only to unwinged sekireis, a distinction that doesn't pertain to Asami. The assumption being that once you wing a certain amount of certain power, you can wing more powerful unwinged sekireis by attracting them. I doubt we're going to see something like being able to steal sekireis per se; it would disconnect the fact that the bond between ashikabi and sekirei is supposed to be based on love and isn't a superficial bond because each sekirei has one "true love" at a time...

Either way, Asami and Uzume will have a place in the story, whether aligned with him as the "trashed sekireis" are to their masters or in some other capacity, we don't really know. The manga hasn't really delved into Asami's situation or Uzume's future as winged sekireis without masters. I'd suspect that they can just choose to do whatever they want to on their own strength as Asami does, just without the ability to use their super moves...

The one thing which supports your speculation though is that the trashed sekireis can get a secondary mark with a new master but that requires losing a battle I guess?
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