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Old 2008-05-23, 19:08   Link #946
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Reckoner View Post
And I think you're a hypocrite.

Anyway, if you want to talk about how this issue is complex? Well I think you are just supporting my argument more by saying that. Take a look at this article
And it supports your argument how?

The article is focused entirely on the "Race Chasm" phenomenon. I'm not even sure how valid this is, but I'll assume so for the sake of argument. It only makes passing reference to the behavior of black voters and the only trace of their motivations, the whole bloody thing we were debating about, are implied and obscurely at that.

And yes, I read the whole article. It's a courtesy I tend to give my fellow debaters when I have time to. I even checked the About Us page to make sure they're not some loony websites people sometimes post as if they're valid. And I think this one's fine enough by the way.

Let me summarize our positions again so we don't get lost here:

You guys = they vote that way 'cause Obama is black; and he is getting some kind of unfair advantage there. I also notice a certain...antagonism at this "advantage" as if he doesn't deserve the Primary and is winning because the electorate is race-obsessed or something.

Of course Alleluia_Cone is denying anything like that right now, but he was certainly giving that vibe in his posts two pages ago, complaining about this and that 'n stuff about Mr. Obama.

Me (I won't speak for others, though I think they agree) = it plays a big role, may be even decisive, among the black electorate -- but there might be other reasons; there's ALWAYS other reasons, rather, and the "unfair advantage" argument makes no sense in the big picture because there are other voters than blacks too, and many of those might just happen to be anti-black racists, who knows.

Stating that several African-Americans vote for their own skin color is shown by Oprah... And it is definitely not being racist.
Stating that they only vote because of that is racist. I really didn't want to throw this epic card out but I was honestly getting annoyed at all this.

Originally Posted by Alleluia_Cone
And as for my facts, they have been cross referenced against all possible variables (i.e. socioeconomic status, marriage status, sex status, religious status, etc.) Unlike every other group in the Democratic electorate, none of these things have any effect on the African-American voting block and their preference for the Democratic nominee: Barack Obama.
One question: who did this and where?
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