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Old 2008-05-28, 02:20   Link #5
(。☉౪ ⊙。)
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In Maya world, where all is 3D and everything crashes
Age: 36
The paranormal etc. do freak me out but I have been very curious about it ever since I was a little girl, I know a lot of these things and read a lot about it heck even summoned spirits for fun untill it started haunting me lol

Our house has a big tree right in front of it that stands near the road, when my friends come and stay over they always comment about seeing people go past my window and never get passed the tree in the middle, i see it sometimes to but never pay attention to it.. as long as they dont bother me around the house i find those things okay
other than that, things get moved around a lot in this house, once i was printing out my report for school and i went to the bathroom during the printing when i came back it was all lying on the stairs one floor down while i was the only person in the house at the time
as i child i occasionally had people watching me when i was in bed fromt he doorway, since my parents always left the door open a little, eventually i just shut the door when going to bed and that was the end of it
i used to summon spirits as a child just to talk to them and because i was curious, i stopped when i was around 15 because i started having nightmares in which i was on fire and was burnign to death, woke up screaming with my hands waving in the air because it felt so weird, it didnt hurt but it was tingling like your leg was asleep, ever since that incident i stopped summoning them
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