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Old 2008-05-30, 00:40   Link #1949
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Join Date: May 2008
Then again, it was probably because he wanted to give Shirou the chance to get Saber out of the way, so he fired a slower arrow.
It's possible, he did mention he intended to get Rin and Saber together. But I think the reason she got clear was that Shirou can sense Archer's intent. It does seem slower though because Berserker had time to turn around and strike it.

On the other hand, the Kalabolg II he used on Caster didn't even give her time to react even though she was miles up in the sky.
Kalabolg II didn't go near caster, it cut the entire sky to pieces. Caster couldn't dodge because the area effect was so all-encompassing. It's speed probably wouldn't affect that in any way.

That's about how you do the calculations. However I've read through that scene in UBW, though there is no saying how long did Archer's arrow take to reach...
I'm referring to the sniping scene on the bridge in Hollow Ataraxia, the sequel. Shirou's on the Fuyuuki Bridge, Archer's on a high rise in the city center. From his position he can send an arrow to the bridge in one second. Although the position is given as 3 miles away, it's likely somewhat closer, since on the map the bridge looks to be not too far away from the city center.
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