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Old 2008-05-31, 18:18   Link #14
Love Yourself
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Northeast USA
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Shana View Post
@chison: You know. I don't know why artists' threads die, maybe it's because in this community there are not many people that can make a *real* critic or comments. If you manage to mantain your thread alive and posting/feedbacking at other people's thread, they might post back on your thread. It's like a friend circle
I think they die out due to lack of interest on the part of the thread's owner. The interest can die out if the artist feels that his or her work isn't being appreciated or even perhaps that nobody cares/is looking. I'd hope that many artists aren't creating works based on whether they receive compliments from others or not. I know that it can be a lot of work to present your works here, though. For example, I have to choose my pictures, resize them, and then wrestle with ImageShack to upload them - not to mention typing up the entire post. If you notice that you're not getting many views or nobody seems to care because they're not commenting or repping then it can feel like you're going through all of that effort for nothing. I guess that's the stereotypical artist's struggle - just keep at it and don't be discouraged
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