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Old 2008-06-01, 06:33   Link #902
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Join Date: May 2008
rastilin, you do not need that much of strength just keep the wind and the gass will not be that much of problem. And with wind (not centered) you do not waste much magic even weaker mages can do it.
That's not a perfect defense, it'll work a few times even if they can perfectly nullify it. Bonus points for using a really powerful agent. Hah, hit the crops with agent orange; no one bothers defending the crop fields from a gas attack.

Actually - they can. Remember novels volume 4 chapter 9, they had their throats cut off (some even heads) and they had their hearts pierced by ice spears by Henrietta's guards yet they had no problem of healing themselves. Water magic is basic magic and can help healing wounds or putting bodies back together, it however cannot give life to someone who is dead. This is what void can do.
If water magic can be used to re-attach a decapiated head, that would be impressive. However I don't have that chapter, can anyone confirm that?

And yep tower was protected against any physical attack or magical. it is e very powerful spell but it would neutralize ANY attack as long as it is physical or normal magical that is. You need void to break through it
Colbert said that physical attacks were the only weakness.

Atomic bomb wont be a problem however the radiation may be but again since you can control the air around you it won't be much problem either.
How would a nuke not be a problem? You're thinking of fallout. They'd need to know about it. Regardless of having a completely impenetrable building, the air heating up to 50,000C would inconvenience the people inside. Not to mention, where does the energy come from? I mean the shockwave of force from any attack would diffuse into the impenetrable building, and go where? You can't create or destroy energy so it has to go somewhere. Presumably the spell has a suitably massive energy supply to deflect it with, but that's a limitation.

Now that I think about it, you'd need 4 square mages to cast it right? Not one square class mage has turned up in the entire series so far, odds are that there is no other building that is equally reinforced. Certainly no mention is made of such. A comparison could be made with Cheyenne mountain, it's great and all but there's only one of it.

Why Cromwell wasn't using such army to crush opponents - one thing it will take long since enemies do have magical protection (earth soldiers would not, though) second each unit wastes more and more of void mages power so you cannot make unlimited army. yet if you were to make such army of square mages then...
So, logistical problems stop this tactic from being overpowering. That and it requires the DEATH OF YOUR OWN SIDE. The commanders would be less than enthused and any square mage wouldn't comply with it. Square mages are rare enough that you'd be hard pressed to find enough to fill a division much less draft them into your zombie army.

Note you haven't addressed the problem of getting the magery to the offensive side; the technology already exists to take a shot at it.
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