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Old 2008-06-01, 08:24   Link #904
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Join Date: May 2008
I suppose this is why I tend to dislike fantasy novels. All the reasoned arguments in the world can get blown away with "they have magic".

In practice however, things will be different. They couldn't deal with ONE fighter or ONE tank. Not one of either against an entire army. Speculation about what they could do is meaningless since they've proven to have zero skill so far. No barrier of air, no giant tornadoes or tsunamis, no square mages, nothing. I base MY theory on the known superiority of modern armed forces, even when they're holding back like the US, they can level a country in two weeks. When Saito takes a defeat using his weapons against a mage, I might re-evaluate my opinion, until then I'm pretty sure a crack squad with half-decent support could burn the world. Especially if they brought the ideals of the French Revolution with them.

EDIT: But I have my own question, is the other void familiar, the M something, from Earth or what? Because she upgraded the cannons on the ships before the first big battle, so she's pretty smart. She comes from the land of the elves and all...
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