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Old 2008-06-01, 09:58   Link #908
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Join Date: May 2008
Originally Posted by gugumomu View Post
their magic sure is powerfull, but there is a problem: the energy needed for casting spells doesnt last long, and the time needed for recharging it can vary from days to weeks. in all combats that Tabitha and Kirche are waging, they use their most powerfull spells only a few times after running low on SP.
a full on attack against a fully armed earth-army would only mean defeat for Halkeginia. guerrilla tactics would be better for them

magic hardend houses or objects? well, the Jormungants where magicaly protected, no spell, not even Void worked aainst them, no cannon did any damage. and the Tiger tanc made them look like scrap
so true...

magic depends on their willpower stored in their bodies and its not like they can replenish it that fast...

after all the mages have used up their magic power they become just ordinary humans, and the more powerful the spell the faster the energy is depleted, and most of the soldiers in their armies are not nobles anyway, some are just commoners who can use swords or other weapons, and we have guns!

Last edited by _kira_; 2008-06-02 at 00:23.
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