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Old 2008-06-03, 13:19   Link #891
Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Irenicus View Post
And why does "deism" suddenly get a pass compare to, say, Catholicism?
How are they any similar?

Deism is malleable, Catholicism is rock f*n steady. New evidence comes in; when it fits in, it's endorsed, when it contradicts, it's either ignored or refuted (well, attempted to). That's why religion fails, it can't adapt.
I'm not a deist. I can't see how a universe would require a "mover" yet the mover doesn't, but I'd still not discount the idea because what makes sense to us I reckon is the result of an adaption to our own environment. That's the reason we came up with gods in the first place, we naturally seek purpose in things even if there is none. We've grown accustomed to that, and now it backfires.

And I thought that was damn convincing in from its internal viewpoint.
Everything is convincing from its internal viewpoint. Put things into perspective, you'll notice how absurd they are.
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