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Old 2008-06-03, 15:01   Link #3
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
I've just finished this VN... and seriously, the only sad thing is the fact it seems it is under the radars of the english community >_<

As you probably figured out, I really enjoyed G senjou no maou.
I'm usually very picky, and this eroge sure has its share of flaws. That said, these are not something to care much about, because it is damn awesome (and i'm rarely that enthusiast).

Visual wise, the VN is quite solid and each character have tons of sprites and colorful expressions. Very nice and they cover a large pattern of expressions.
As for the CG, I would however complain a bit that some of them are a bit overdone (those who finished the game will understand if I mention the "3 girls" plea in the epilogue) or underwhelming, others are unbalanced in proportions (especially the cheeks. See some of Yuki's and Haru's).
The backgrounds are basic, though some details are extremely lacking (all of them are absolutely void of figurant characters).

Sound: It is plain amazing. I never thought classics would work that well with that kind of plot. What's more amazing is the well done remixes of infamous masterpieces such like Bach's "Air on G string" (principal track of the game, hence why the title), Wagner's "The ride of the valkyries", Beethoven's "For Elise", etc etc.
They fit the scenes and they certainly keep the legacy of their original counterpart (some are remixed in a genius way, such like "For Elise").

Seiyuu: First point: ZERO!!
As for those who don't know yet, Fukuyama Jun (Lelouch/Zero seiyuu in Code Geass, Lawrence's in Spice and Wolf) is voicing the main Antagonist, Maou. And trust me, he is using his sexy voice (though not as theatral as Lelouch's, obviously ).
That aside, haru's voice is very nice: lovely and very quirky. I often have Konata from Lucky Star in my mind during some her of mumbling
The rest of the characters are well fitted (except maybe some few general old men voices), though I think Kanon's voice will be simply "hit or miss", depending of the readers. As for me, I'm just a bit disturbed that Koorogi Satomi sounds a bit too young, hence she reminds me WAY too much of her other roles, especially Ushio from Clannad.

: well this is the main dish.
I think the usual rave "Death Note on steroids" isn't a random claim. Even though some stunts aren't as spectacular as in Obhata's manga, G senjou twists and various elements are marvelous. It is really a entertaining and addicting plot, as the story doesn't rely on its "bishoujou".
Characters wise, they are colorful and all of them have consequent depth, even for the "mere moeblobs" as people would expect of Kanon and Tsubaki.
That said, the most controversial point would be Kyousuke, the protagonist: His demeanor and "double life" will certain drive many people in disgust (I will admit: I wasn't really liking him at all) and the lack of glimpse of his past doesn't help much either.
But unexpectedly, the many shades of grey, then white turns this horrible "anti hero" into a noble and solid protagonist, who will get through living hell before savoring a happy life.
That said, the game however made me raise an eyebrow on several cases, especially at Mizuha's route, as he almost went 'backward"... tch, Gonzou really tainted his mind.

As for the scenario, I would only complain the fact that the 3 non main heroines are unfortunately not on par with Haru: various points aren't as effective, and Kanon's route has quite big inconsistencies with the main plot. Though they are a bit underwhelming and lackluster in comparison to haru's, that doesn't make them demerit, as they give a though and merciless depiction of reality and "life drama". I was often surprised that some characters really acted as "human" and not cliché or "fiction" stoned.
That said, these are just judged on a bias light, as Haru's route is basically the Cake, the Icing and the Strawberry at the same time.
Not only her character is vastly gorgeous (in any way), but her story involving the main plot is simply a explosive cocktail of winning elements.
And even when the end seems to be good enough, Akabeiisoft did a very sly move and added an unexpected epilogue: very bitter, but still ends on a happy ending (thank goodness, I was raging "WTF?! that's unfair, c'mon !").

In overal, G senjou no Maou deserves its hype by a fair margin, well for me anyway: good looking, amazing soundtracks, the story lives on serious basis and it is simply delivering one of the best VN I could read so far.

I just hope that more people will notice this gem, as it is seriously deserving the attention of the english community.

As for those who have finished the game, I have some questions, as my japanese understanding is quite limited so...
Spoiler for Do NOT read this if you didn't finish the game:

Extra little rants: Yuki's route, WHERE?! And... why the hell didn't they show Haru in the end CG? Tikushoo ! *gagh*

Last edited by Klashikari; 2008-06-04 at 11:01.
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