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Old 2008-06-04, 04:24   Link #1258
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Yes, but not in numbers. Chinese and Japanese Numbers are the same as English, with Elements consisting of Digit * Place, and the elements arrayed form largest to smallest. Where there is no digit, assume it is 1. Where there is no place, assume the element is 0.

For extra fun, consider the alternatives. If we say the Hundreds are to be multiplied by the Few Tens, the equation becomes: 100*Few*10 = 1000*Few. It is a pleasant thought for those who want big Arc blast areas, but...

Or how about 100*(Few+10) = 100*10 + 100*Few. That will make it over 1000km.

Or how about it was supposed to be 100*Few + 10 = Few*100 + 10. That will make it several hundred kilometers, but what's the point of the ten at this point when you aren't sure which hundred you are on.

You see, it is not only the grammatically correct reading, but also the sensible reading.
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