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Old 2008-06-07, 10:11   Link #956
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
And also frankly it just doesn't really make any sense for RF6 to wow everyone just like that. Even the SAS, the most sucessful special forces unit in the world, had their detractors. Delta Force and SEAL Team Six were nearly closed several times by military brass who hated how spec ops was mucking around with their status quos - hell, the US Air Force leadership was actively trying to kill off special operations... including sabotaging the only AFSOC Special Tactics Squadron in existence. And this is with people who are pretty much mundanes. And you expect that massing the Aces together isn't going to shitfits and quick manipulations of paperwork and bureaucracy? Don't forget that if Nanoha and Fate transfer into the GF they're under GF jurisdiction which means that the GF brass can write orders yanking them out of RF6 into different units.
*shakes head* Goose, that's proving my point. You throw around a few random terms and compare them to some american army teams I never even heard of and expect everything to function like the good ol' army you're familiar with. I believe we established a long time ago that the TSAB doesn't function like a normal military unit. Throwing around logic like that is, quite frankly, meaningless. The whole 'but the GF can yank them out of RF6' doesn't sound anything as logic to discard the idea. Sure, it is technically possible for them, but why would they do that?
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