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Old 2008-06-13, 08:09   Link #303
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by Wesley84 View Post
You suppose Ranka suppresses every memory she has of Bresra? She keeps seeing the guy over and over again, but unless a harmonica happens to be playing nearby, there hasn't really been a change in her behavior. A normal person would be concerned or at least curious that they're being stalked by a mysterious person. A more assertive person would probably do something about it. Ranka though seems to have a 'deer-in-headlights' look every time he pops up or encounters a vague reference to him.
Yeah, it kind of bothers me a bit that we haven't seen a change in her behavior after her encounter with Beara in ep 8. It's like she found the only other person in the universe who knows her song and may be possibly linked to her past, but she acts like she just shrugs it off and moves on. I guess the big question is the team going to reveal to us anytime soon what the hell happened during her encounter in ep 8?
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