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Old 2008-06-16, 06:40   Link #614
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
The word "overrated" is overrated.
Is usually my flippant reply to when people toss questions like this in IRC channels and so on.
The problem with this i find is that, anything that becomes popular with the mass instantly gets slapped with an 'overrated' label
(mainly by those who aren't into the genre or don't like the anime)

Can't expect anime which is liked by a majority to apply to you, as is said with most things in life to be honest. We are all individuals with personal tastes, correct?
But if we're looking for the top most 'publicised' and 'reccomended' anime out there, then i'll be objective and list (in no order) based off what i think and have been told to watch.

1: Evangelion
2: Cowboy beebop (well that may have been replaced by now but earlier this decade that was one of them)
3: Naruto/ Bleach (simply cause it's the latest 'pokemon' craze in the West for the non fansub viewers)
4: Full Metal Alchemist...?
well I can't say to be honest, those living in America would know cause in the UK, it's virtually unknown except for us fansub watchers back in 2003-2004. But i remember the buzz, vibe and excitement of the series on my old forum, but it was justified at the time, (imo) - there isn't many series nowadays that commanded such a response as FMA did back then. ^^
5. Umm... Akira? G.I.T.S - probably gits, cause that's a head trip and then some xD
It's definitely amazing in it's own right and i can understand people recommending it, but it's not 'the' greatest thing out there and like i said that (and akira) are a bit of a head trip :P

One piece.
Man, i've lost count on how many peeps have told me to see it over the last 3years.
Regardless of individual opinion, it's definitely "overrated".

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