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Old 2008-06-16, 07:00   Link #18
black monster
i don't work for points
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: behind you in the shadows
Age: 38
i see a lot of ghost and souls from when i was 10 years old and until now i see them.
last night something strange happened to me.

last night while i was returning home i saw a man attacking two girl and tring to steel there money. the two girls asked me to help them. so i went to them but he ran away. so the two girls asked me to take them to there apartment. i went with them. and when we reached there apartment thay asked me to come in and drink some tea as a reward. when i reached the apartment door i became afraid to enter. that is when he came and put his hand on my shoulder and said don't be afraid you are not alone and he walked through me. i looked at my hand and i saw it through his hand. i don't know what happened the next thing i remember is that i was standing and thay were lying on the ground screaming from the pain.
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