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Old 2008-06-17, 14:13   Link #75
Love Yourself
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Northeast USA
Age: 38
Originally Posted by escimo View Post
I'll try messing around with apertures and at some point I'll have my camera modified. I've pretty much decided that I'll be buying a new body in the fall so I'll just dedicate my 300D to IR. Shooting those pictures, I was forced to use exposure times of 5-25 seconds with F1.8 and ISO100, so I'm hoping that I can reduce the that quite a bit.
Why ISO 100? The filter won't take care of all visible light, but if you tone down the sensitivity then won't it also be a bit less sensitive to IR as well?

Edit: A quick snapshot taken from my balcony before going to work. A bit more like it, I think...

F8 exposure time 20 seconds.
That's really neat! The tree has that ethereal appearence, and the rest of the scene looks relatively normal (I'd imagine that the colors are a bit off, but the viewers wouldn't know that). Looks like you've got it down, that was pretty quick!
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