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Old 2008-06-23, 00:39   Link #29
Ha ha ha ha ha...
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Right behind you.
Age: 35
Here I go!

15. Vibeke
-What can I say? Incredible animation and quality. Nice job. It is silky smooth with absolutely no fault that I can see. Quite possibly a rating of 11/10.

18. Evil Rick
-Well, for one thing, Nightmare kicks ass. For another, I love the crazy colors and it's animated... what more can one ask for in a top-quality signature? You get a 10/10 for presentation, interesting use of color palette, and smooth animation.

36. OceanBlue
-Something about this drew my eye. Probably the bubble shapes. I like the contrast, and sharp, pretty colors (blue is yay! ). I prefer bold colors, and yours really stuck out in my mind. The way you melded together a foreground and background, and stuck the image of the girl in the middle of the two showed skill with layering (and vectoring as well), and proved that it's not just a crop with effects layered on. Easily a 10/10 rating.

Spoiler for some other comments:
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