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Old 2008-06-23, 13:14   Link #4809
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Originally Posted by kakashi-san View Post
Foreword: Please read my whole post if you intend to reply.

Rukia was no better then Orihime during her capture, she was even worse. It just doesn't make any sense to hate Orihime for her behaviour during capture when Rukia was even more depressing and useless beforehand. Her experience in SS made Rukia strong, it took a long time for the arc to finsih. Now people are complaining that Orihime has been mentally fragile for too long.
Wait what? I can see the parallels between the two arcs, and I think both of them were useless. I'll respond in more detail to your other points.

Once again consider the differences between Rukia and Orihime and you'll realise your reasoning is clearly flawed for hating her. By your reasons you should like Orihime more then Rukia, but you don't. I'm not saying your opinions are wrong, I'm sure there's a valid reason why you hate her, I'm saying your lieng and making stuff up. Here's why:

Orihime has lived for 15 years. Rukia has lived for over 100. Maturity always plays a big part in terms of mental fragility.

Rukia lived in Soul Society for god knows how long. She knows the system, the procedures, what's happening around her. HM is not exactly where Orihime was born and raised. The whole setting is intentionally a polar opposite to her character. She's not her cheery self for exactly that reason.
I think it's more along the lines of that she thought she was worthless and was doing everyone a favor by going to HM with Ulquiorra. Which was the wrong choice, and once again LOLPARALLELS.

Even if you ignore both these points, there's still the fact that Orihime has been more useful then Rukia was. Name one thing Rukia did that didn't involve people carrying her around. Rukia couldn't even walk by herself. First the executioners carried her to get executed, then Ichigo picked her up and threw her to Renji, then Renji dropped her and Aizen picked her up. Aizen dropped her and she lay there useless. This in itself proves Rukia was more helpless then Orihime when captured and imprisoned. But wait there's more, Orihime brought Ichigo back from the brink of death. Orihime was the reason Ichigo was able to overcome Grimmjow in the end. Whereas Rukia constantly told him to give up because he had no chance. She didn't believe in him, Orihime did.

So Orihime has been far from pathetic during HM. If you analyse it properly her actions have been admirable. Name useful thing Rukia did while everyone around her was dieng left right and centre trying to rescue her ass.
Let me start by saying that I agree in varying degrees to what you are saying. However, Inoue hasn't been as useful as you claim she has. I think if you look at the bigger picture, they were both equally useless. Inoue healed Ichigo, which is cool and all, but what besides that? She just sat on the sidelines and looked on, kind of like Rukia was in SS, no? Also, please don't say that Inoue believed in him all along. She wasn't even convinced Ichigo and the others weren't going to come and rescue her, much more, Ichigo doubted if Inoue was actually kidnapped or not, which tells alot about mutual distrust. Ichigo had to be goaded by Ulquiorra and told about the plot to get rid of his doubts about Inoue, and Inoue had to be coaxed by Nell to believe that Ichigo was actually fighting for her. Another parallel to the SS arc, Renji had to tell Rukia that Ichigo was doing this all for her and to take her burden and put it on he and Ichigos' shoulders.

It's all about Kubo paralleling the two arcs, and if you are observant you can find the similarities and differences.

When you look at it, who has been more useful THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SERIES? Rukia or Orihime? I'm gunning on Rukia.
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