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Old 2008-06-28, 10:01   Link #249
grumpy guy in #mirrormoon
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Kalevala
Originally Posted by grunty View Post
Might as well be the reason for many people to be disappointed.

But hey, with Pokota appearing in the trailer... If it's a retelling it can't be close to the novel, can it? Why would novel fans be happy about that... Screams SEQUEL. I do hope it's just another TV series in the Slayers anime series, rather than NEW Slayers...
He could be something new that they decided to throw in, my knowledge of the Slayers novel is only limited to the first 15 novels which cover the whole "plot".

I'm all fine with whatever they end up making because it'll still be Slayers so I'm just throwing theories around. The old guy(with closed eyes) seen in some of the scans so far is at least a novel character from one of the later novels.

In any case, the ending of Slayers Try prepared the road to finish the last novels.
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