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Old 2008-07-11, 03:06   Link #3977
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Originally Posted by Waven View Post
@nadare: You know the ending of Ichigo100% was just disappointing for one faction but not bad in general - It will most probable be the same thing with SR when it ends, you just have to be on the 'winners' side
I wasn't with any side with ichigo 100%. I just wanted a good build up of relationships. Manaka was obsessed with Aya till the ending chapters. I am disappointed because the author ended ichigo 100% half assed. If the author only added more chapters(I know it could never be done since it was canceled forcefully.) to justify their relationship, it felt like the author just paired him up with her because of the popularity contest. It felt empty.

Unlike here in SR. I am rooting for onigiri. But if Harima ends with Eri, I wouldn't mind. Since there was a good character development between the two.

I compare it if it would be like if Harima and Tenma ended up. We know Harima likes Tenma so much, but if Tenma suddenly leaves Karasuma for Harima a lot of people would be disappointed. It would also be out of character for Tenma since she has been faithful to Karasuma ever since the beginning of SR. It would make all those HarimaXEri, HarimaXYakumo moments a waste. Ichigo 100% felt this way, there was one other manga that made me feel this way (I'm looking at you H2)

I take character development over anything else.

Edit: I mean no offense to HarimaXTenma believers. But, that is just how I feel if SR ended with HarimaXTenma.
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