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Old 2008-07-11, 16:43   Link #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
Sora no Otoshimono [Manga]

Sora no Otoshimono
Lost Property of the Sky

Spoiler for covers:

2 Volumes out, on-going

Manga-ka: Minazuki Suu

Discovered the existence of this manga while looking at the Japanese Judas covers (why must the English version have different covers...).

Nowhere has a synopsis so...
Then... translation of JP wiki article (and adding a bit)
Sakurai Tomoki is a normal student whose motto is "Normal is the best". If there is one thing abnormal, it is that he often dreams of a girl whose face he cannot even remember, and when he wakes up from that dream, he would always be crying. He tried leaving it as just a dream... but one day, from the sky, an angel descended.
As far as I have read, it has proven to be a really enjoyable manga. It mostly focuses on comedy (so far), and it really is funny with constant uses of chibi forms and such. And at the same time, it sometimes gets pretty serious and mysterious...

Characters are pretty basic, I guess (but likable). Childhood friend Mitsuki Sohara, the very strange Sugata Eishirou, mysterious and emotionless Ikaros (the girl that fell from the sky), and the basic protagonist, Sakurai Tomoki. As Tomoki describes the three, "killer chop woman" - "sky-flying pervert" - "UMA".
For a protagonist, Tomoki really was entertaining, like when he started going out of control using Ikaros' card, which can do anything and such (scary... really...).
Art is great, as expected.

I just hope this manga doesn't end in a way similar to Judas or something (not that I hated Judas' end or anything).
Speaking of Judas, Zero made a cameo...

Here's the link to a sample from vol.1 (note: the chapter sample is not chp.1)

I recommend trying out the manga! No, it doesn't seem any group is translating this though!

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Last edited by serenade_beta; 2008-08-21 at 21:00.
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