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Old 2008-07-15, 12:38   Link #1298
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Originally Posted by Var View Post
These are similar so I'll address them simultaneously.

Her actions in every episode except Episode 10 in S2 had been portrayed as more thought out than before. Notably, Episode 2 when she confront Lelouch. That is no impulse, impulse is following his orders as the rest of the Order did without question. She made a thought out decision to confront him.

Also, as I said, Ep.10 was the culmination of her jealousy of C.C.. She acted impulsively due to extenuating circumstances. She wanted Lelouch to recognize her, to be in the spotlight, to take it from C.C.. She acted impulsively because of her heart and as its said, a trembling heart often sways a sound mind. As such your example falls short because she was being heavily influenced by her emotions rather than cognitive thought.

Changing sides, for instance, is not an emotional decision. It is something one must rationalize to themselves to undergo. People do not just switch sides for shits and giggles (this isn't GS). Especially not after what has just happened to her in Ep.14. She does not make rash decisions in situations where she has the ability to think a decision over, that much has been shown to have changed about her in S2 from being around Lelouch and C.C.. She's growing up, believe it or not.

The only thing that is even remotely possible, and I can see happening, that comes into line with your examples has to deal with Shirley. If, and really only if, Lelouch admits to killing Shirley, then she may very well leave him to sort out her mind. This is, of course, assuming they plan on undermining what they focused on building all of S2... again. It is possible, yes, but I do not find it probable. Even if Lelouch says "I Killed Shirley." She should stop and think and figure out why, of all people, Lelouch would kill Shirley. He'd have no reason and she should very much question him.
For the confrontation in episode 1, she had a whole year to think it out.

I don't think she thinks it out right away. She needs time for the information to sink in, to start to question herself. It's not about growing up, it's how she works. If she is too shocked and believes it she might leave temporarily. Lets leave this until we get anymore information. We are going in circles.

Originally Posted by Var View Post
Because hap hazardous manners of caring, in my eyes, are about as low as one can go in the Romance scale. She cares for him to see him become strong without her, if anything, that's even more reason to believe that she will at some point leave him.

That is the difference, Kallen is being built as Lelouch's new pillar even to the point of throwing all of the shit of Ep.13 and 14 on him 'coincidentally' when she's not present. C.C. is being distanced from Lelouch and being brought closer to the Geass and her own wish.
How is she his new pillar when she isn't even close to him? I didn't get what you meant about eps 13, 14.

Originally Posted by Var View Post
Doesn't matter if they did or did not know about the refrain, one of them went to make sure he was ok, the other did not. That is my point. One went out of her way to make sure that nothing bad was happening to him, and ended up saving him from a devil, while the other just twiddled her thumbs.
I keep repeating, it's because two people don't act the same way. C.C. is trying not to get involved with him, while Kallen has no such problem.

Originally Posted by Var View Post
No, you assume her words are lies. Nothing in this show has yet to show her lying to us. If you are going to doubt what she says there, then maybe I'll start questioning whether she didn't like about Lelouch being the only one to have thanked her.

She hasn't repeated its just a contract in ages. In fact, she didn't repeat it in her conversation with Marianne. All that she said is that he only needs to be alive for her contract, she didn't dismiss their relationship as just that.
If you start to doubt about her being happy about him thanking her, then I don't even know watch you are watching. She was happy, there is no doubt about it.

She said it in the last episode. something like "I don't think so, I am just worried about the contract". If all that mattered was for him to stay alive, why was she happy when he returned to the order?

Originally Posted by Var View Post
Um... Kallen's action lasted because he wasn't doping up on Refrain ten seconds later. Come on, how obvious do I have to make this?
I never said it wasn't important. But it doesn't make it more important than the fireworks scene. Why can't both be important? After all, both played a big part in Lelouch's recovery. Without either of them he wouldn't have returned.

Originally Posted by Var View Post
I'd say her friends, at this point, amount to: Marianne and Kallen. Mao was her friend at some point as well. She's likely had a few.
Mao was like her kid. He also needed her all the time. Big difference. She is changing now, but I don't think she was surrounded by many friends before. The time spent with the OotBK has affected her positively.

Originally Posted by Var View Post
I'm under the impression that she is trying to do it, which is compounded by her hedgehog nature and progressive distancing from Lelouch. If her wish succeeds, then more likely than not, Lelouch will be without her.
I hope not. I don't want her to die. What a cliché.

Originally Posted by Var View Post
If she says neglect then she made the choice to neglect them. Again, I will repeat this, neglect is a personal choice. One does not neglect something that is outside his power. Neglect requires full control of a situation to be applicable. It is free choice to neglect something, not a forced action. That is neither neglect nor abandonment, that is powerlessness.
Unless you know in what context it was used you can't be sure. She could have meant something else entirely. She might have been too hard on herself. She didn't want to kill them. So she is blaming herself.
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