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Old 2008-07-20, 00:08   Link #3921
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Land of Dead Cakes!
Age: 34
Originally Posted by blitz1/2 View Post
In the eyes of many CG fans (rather ignorant ones):

Lulu's massacre of civilians/killing < Suzaku attacking Lulu.
(in evilness)
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Oh god, it brought tears to my eyes.

Lelouch's action is a quetion of morality, Suzaku's actions are a question of idiocy/morality. The best one can argue on either stance is that they are same, but on certain actions one is, generally, worse than the other. The problem is that they alternate between who is doing the more good with their evil.

The most recent case, for instance, is Lelouch doing more good than Suzaku. But this, as has been said, falls into the whole idiocy side of Suzaku since morality was thrown out the window.

Originally Posted by Silver Soul View Post
Ignorant CG fan alert! Even though his methods are similar to Lelouch's you still condemn him for being an antagonist
Likely because he is the antagonist for the story? It doesn't matter if they use the same methods, which they clearly do not since they have different stances on how things should be done, he is still the antagonist. How vile he is, is what is increasing, getting him closer and closer to the generally perceived idea of what an antogonist is or embodies.
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