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Old 2004-04-22, 10:04   Link #46
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Ohio for now
Age: 44
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Jaz: I still want to hear about the 100ft sesame street monster!! You're killing me here.

Age approx 8, the only dream I had that actually made me go to my parents room.

I had just went to the State Fair had lots of fun and stuff. While I was there, I saw a fun house there, but I've never went in it. I guess my curiosity and too many cartoons had a play in the dream which goes something like this.

I went into the the fun house with some people. It was dark as hell and loud. After walking in there for awhile we all get separated. I start freaking out b/c I can't find anyone but I can hear them. Every so often someone would scream whether in pain or fun...I didn't know. I finally make it to a mirror maze. This is when I start to lose it b/c I don't know which was it which. After a while, I make it out into this room with a moving floor. I couldn't get anywhere in this room b/c every time I try to make progress the floor would spin me around. Soon the floor started rotating and picking up speed. It became fast enough to where I couldn't stand up no matter what so just spun around. The walls then dropped to reveil that there was this enormous cliff. The floor kept spinning faster and faster but started tilting towards the cliff edge. I ended up falling off and some how manage to grab the edge of the cliff. So here I am dangling while this merry-go-round thing is spinning in front of my face getting closer and my grip is loosening. After a couple of seconds of debating to get decapitated or falling, I chose to fall. The fall was endless but being that age I completely freaked and woke up sweating and short of breathe. Then I got up shaking and went straight to the parent's room.
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