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Old 2008-07-30, 15:52   Link #15
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by aohige View Post
Although it's similar to scarecrows, it's a "strawman" ability.
People outside of Japan and Thailand (where it originated) might not be too familiar with it, but a small man-figure made of straws is used for curses. You can direct pain and suffering to another man using a strawman assigned to that person, and you damage it by slamming a thick nail into it. Just like the ones Hawkins is holding between his fingers.

Ah, I see. Thanks for this most interesting trivia! This instantly explains Hawkin's voodoo powers from last chapter, as well.

...Still, I'm kinda hoping that his power will be referred to as "scarecrow" anyway, just for the heck of it.

And I'm aware of the Gojira/Godzilla spellings... but I guess I'm just more used to the latter romanization. Y'know, I actually think it would be pretty awesome if ALL the Ancient Zoans had a kind of "Kaiju" theme. For instance, there could be a pterodactyl Zoan looks like Rodan/Radan, or a turtle Zoan that looks like Gamera (turtles have long lifespans, so they could count as being "ancient", right? ).
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