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Old 2008-08-06, 20:16   Link #13
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Toronto, Canada
Age: 34
All the movies were like that. They basically just brought individual scenes to the screen and left it at that. Columbus' Chamber of Secrets was the worst. That actually had great potential for emotional scenes but the director just plays out each scene methodically and leaves very little impact. Prisoner of Azkaban was the closest to actually making a film out of the books, but it hurried past some of the finer, clever details of the book. The problem is fitting in every detail that may become more important later.

I really hate Gambon's Dumbledore. He completely butchers the character - Dumbledore is supposed to be calm, wise, intelligent and witty. Gambon basically does the opposite.

Also the duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort at the end of the OotP film was bad. They both used advanced and clever magic but the film basically just reduced it to Ryu and Ken doing prolonged hadoukens on each other. You didn't get a sense that Voldie was immensely powerful but still fearful of Dumbledore, and that Dumbledore was perfectly calm until he possessed Harry.

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