Thread: Licensed Maria†holic
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Old 2008-08-07, 13:44   Link #12
Beautiful fighter.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: England, UK
Age: 37
I just read the first three chapters of the manga, and i really enjoyed it. As expected, it's pretty funny, though i do wonder if romance would play a part in the story at some point. At the beginning it just used in the humor, though i've seen in the past how that can change pretty quickly.

Kanako is adorable. That's all you really need to say about her at the beginning. I don't think i've ever come across such an adorable lesbian. If they choose the drama CD cast, then i can already imagine the voice Hirano will use for her. Nothing against Hirano, though i'd rather see someone else play her.

Now onto the main event, oh god Mariya. I didn't think she was going to be that evil, though in a way (because i like sadistic), it comes across as being rather cute. It's not the same kind of sadistic jokes over and over, so it's nothing that gets old.

Going to be very interesting to see how Shinbo will handle this show.
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