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Old 2008-08-10, 10:47   Link #11946
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Land of Dead Cakes!
Age: 34
Originally Posted by zalem View Post
Well, I don't believe the newest set of speculations (Nunnally a spy??? WTF?), but it is possible Charles saved her. Sayako is cool and all, but just a normal human she couldn't really do anything to get them out of the blast radius. If the ship managed to get out of there I'm sure Sayako would have contacted Lelouch immediately and piloted the ship to Ikuraga. Or at least the ship would have been noticed by the BK. So unless Sayako has some strange magical abilities I don't see what she could have done. However, if Charles has the same weird teleportation abilities as V.V., it's possible he grabbed her.
I could see that, and you're likely right that if she were to survive it would be because of Charles. In either case though, the fake speculations went down in a ball of flames.
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