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Old 2008-08-17, 05:18   Link #14424
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Join Date: May 2008
Originally Posted by cupahe View Post
i have a feeling all kallens development will not amount to her following lelouch or the preview seems to want to imply

so 8'sodes of no guren for... what exactly?
It will be very strange to say the least if her development doesn't lead to her siding with him at some point at least, or have some conversation or the like with him where it is shown that she understands him or the like at the very least. Still, things look sort of positive in this regard indeed.

And like Stretch5920 said, how can it be possible for her to follow him when she doesn't know where he is? It's not like she has to follow him right away indeed, especially not if Lelouch is going on a journey of his own, sorta, which means that we'll right now purse Lelouch's storyline to be exact - and from what the previews hint at, this quest/journey of his will lead to him learning the truth, so for the moment, it might just be that Kallen and Lelocuh's paths cannot cross, even if she'd want them to. It might take until episode 22 before Lelouch reveals any location he might be at for her to come to, all in all.
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