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Old 2008-08-18, 20:24   Link #599
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Join Date: Jul 2008
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Age: 41
Originally Posted by magnuskn View Post
Just throwing out a short speculation:

Ranka has by now three guys who are trying to protect her ( Ozma, Alto, Brera ).

Also, she seems to be somehow always waiting for someone to do just that.

So, maybe itīs her Vajra-queen instincts which compel her to seek out some guy who will be a protector for her?
Ozma dedicated his midlife to Ranka, at the cost of his relationship with Cathy. Brera lost his arm (even though it's an implant) to save her. Alto almost got killed trying to save her (although he would have almost-got-killed regardless). Nanase is always on Ranka's side.

And Sheryl only has Alto (may be) to protect her and cyborg Grace trying to kill her. She's practically on death roll for all it maters.

Seems like Sheryl got the short end of the stick. Without Sheryl, I actually wouldn't mind Ranka and may be even empathize with her. But Sheryl was introduced, and will still be there even after she dies. So Ranka will have to go back in line and pay her dues.
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