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Old 2008-08-19, 10:42   Link #15683
Fruit Punch Samurai
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Los Angeles, California
Age: 35
Originally Posted by ZeroSama View Post
You have to admit though that the first half of R2 is definitely inferior to these later EPs though. Maybe if Taniguchi had got his way we might have a second season that was consistently top quality rather than a sharp jump when we hit the secondhalf. We'll never know and it'll keep teasing us of what might have been.
That's very true and for now we're kind of stuck to watch the story move at its own pace without any knowledge on what drives the characters to their resolution, only to see Lelouch gets what he wants in the end while everyone else either follows him or run around shooting off their KMFs like idiots waiting to be killed, "sigh", oh well let's not dread on what could of been but what's going to be.
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