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Old 2008-08-19, 11:16   Link #15698
TRUE! Lelouch is dead! XD
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: New Jersey
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Ansa View Post
Honestly I really don't get why everyone's so disappointed with the info from the interview and how now everyone's ragging on R2's first half, yeah it hasn't been good as the second half but so what? It's still one of the most interesting and impressive animes I've ever seen, and frankly if the quality of the show continues like these last two episodes it'll easily make it into my top 5.j

Would I like to see what was originally planned? Sure, but I would have also liked to see Gundam SEED end the way it originally was going to with Kira dead and Athrun losing two limbs it didn't happen but it was still a damn fine show.

Here is my question to all of those who are disappointed... Have you enjoyed the show? If yes then really just continue to watch we've still got 1/4 of the season left and a living shitload of things could happen. If no then why are you even discussing it anymore anyway just stop watching and go find something better to watch... oh wait CG is still one of the best animes ever made so that might be a little hard!
Well, I am not sure about everyone else, but I am only annoyed about a few things being dropped. If people end up hating the show though, then they were never real fans then. I still think Code Geass is in the Top Five Animes ever IMO...
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