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Old 2008-08-25, 16:16   Link #64
Eye for an Eye
Join Date: Apr 2008
Originally Posted by Darknemo2000 View Post
Well, Saito and Louise are not married (though i think there are some believers who think they are or are pretty much as good as married) yet, the point is that Saito' still confessed his love ...and doesn't do much to prove it. You could say - why louise does not respond - but just think how much times passes before he goes off flirting with other girls or groping them?

I would seriously think before confessing to such a man-slut that Saito in anime is. We all knows that he loves only Louise, but the problem is that judging from his actions he really does very little to support his love confession and actually do more opposite actions...

If he wants his love confession taken seriously then he should act accordingly. Now he does nothing to support that so how can you expect a honest answer from Louise?

For now his 'love' sems more like just another attempt to bed her rather than having to do with real emotions...Or at least thats what impression one might have considering his actions... He can go all heroic but instantly he spoils it in another scene... he is just too unreliable to make one believe in his love confessions...
Well, I really hate the playboy/womanizer character, and I hate cheating even more, but that's not the impression I have of Saito at all. He doesn't go around chasing the ladies, it's the other way around actually. And if Louise demands loyalty from him then she should act accordingly and treat him like a boyfriend and not a dog. Saito would love nothing more than to ride into the sunset with her, it's Louise who keeps pushing him away.
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