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Old 2008-09-07, 16:08   Link #2612
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: CH aka Chocaholic Heaven
Age: 40
Originally Posted by eaglei3 View Post
Two of them aren't even possible really, Kallen and Gino, for that mention.

I would say the three suspects are:

1) Anya
2) Sayoko
3) Nina <-- but she had already left them, so I doubt it was her.
Sayoko is still the most likely, as Anya doesn't look like someone to be bothered by ethics, also her escaping would have caused a lot of havoc and those gards searching the mansion by night rather point to a ninja escaping.

The escape just occured so Nina is of course out of the picture, as she has been most likely hiding in Ashford after the 2nd Battle of Tokyo.
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