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Old 2004-05-03, 13:24   Link #49
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Norway
Age: 65
I must admit that my sympathy was mostly with Nayuki. When you have someone you like, and it is such a mix of familiarity, friendship and love, it is hard to put the right name on it. It is hard to be sure what you feel, and hard to make it known. Yes, I can understand her better than I can the rest of them.

But there are reasons why most people don't marry their close cousins, so I guess it was all for the best.

Another point, I know I wondered when I watched the first episode, is the name Nayuki made with the word "yuki" (snow) or is it a coincidence, just like there is no "tea" in "teacher" in English? (I don't understand Japanese writing, obviously.) There was a lot of focus on snow in that episode where she was introduced, so I thought perhaps there was a connection.
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