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Old 2008-09-13, 21:09   Link #541
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Kneeling in front of my ICHIGO SHRINE.
Chapter 0D-15 "The chapter that doesn't really exist"
Ikkaku and Rukia face-off!

"Bankai! Ryuumon Houzimaru!"
Rukia:" Bankai...?..

"Did I stutter...Blah Blah Blah"

Rukia: "Hold it!! *Steps out of character* What the hell is this KT?! You know I get a lot of shit and called a man because you forgot to give me sweater meat!!! Now I have to prove myself because people keep saying "Kojack" is stronger all because I am a woman
Ikkaku:" It looks like you finally realize it..."
Rukia:" *Turns...and frowns in disgust* Are you serious about this chapter?
Ikkaku:"...He's a lazy bum. I gotta force him awake to use his full power..."
Rukia: "Tsugi no mai..."HAKUREN! "
Rukia:"... " *Walks out*
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