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Old 2008-09-14, 08:49   Link #260
Chicken or Beef?
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Seattle
Age: 41
Sanity exist through socialization, if you were on an isolated Island with nothing at all, completely by yourself you'll eventually go completely mad. To socialize is to be human, not cause its "normal", hell primative beasts have a form of socialization, even otakus crave socialization. Why else would there be conventions and forums that cater? Some may say things like "I don't like people" blah blah blah, but thats a complete lie. If you really hate people you wouldn't interact with anyone in real life or online, you'll isolate yourself in a cave somewhere making love to a wild dog.

What he needs to learn is emotions. Emotions derive from interactions ( or for some emotions, lack there of ) with people. Experiencing first hand is completely different than reading or watching. He's showing that he's completely void of human emotions.
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