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Old 2008-09-15, 19:19   Link #984
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Discerptor View Post
Clearly, Toudou felt differently. And I'd trust his assessment over yours.
Todoue is a loyalist, he followed his commanding officer in the aftermath of the war, when in truth he also wanted an end to the fighting as well. And this isn't about freaking Todoue anyway, this is about the reasoning behind Lelouch's actions in regards to Katase. As I said, there was no reason from him to assume such doctrine was not apart of the whole organization, at one point he did try to negotiate and reason with them before the major in charge of the hotel jacking tried to hack him into pieces. That certainly sends a friendly message now does it? Makes you just want to cuddle up with them and share some green-tea.

Alright, you want a likely Lelouch reason? He had two identities back then. He couldn't risk a link existing between the two of them, like a slave that might follow him in either persona. Now that he's shed his mask, he has no need to worry about such things. He doesn't need to be careful in that regard anymore.
Oh, really, that's the best you can do now? Because Geass is certainly a traceable substance now, and he couldn't just order them into to hide in a hole or something. They're certainly not mindless drones despite being under his control, they act to the best of their abilities, just under his command. Hell, they still had enough sense to freaking gossip at the beginning of Turn 23, I think they'd have enough sense in them to function accordingly with Lelouch's organizational skills as well.

The same place you come up with the audacity to pretend there was a line anywhere in that episode that said anything about Lelouch having an emotional attachment to the Black Knights. Except mine has more basis since in the end, as you admit, Lelouch only cares about results he gets from the group.
Uggh, do you even bother watching this series? Be honest with me? Just go back and watch Stage 6 again already. He says Ougi's group has grown attached to him, and as such he was considering cutting them out of the loop. Why is that exactly? Perhaps because he didn't want sentimentality to get in the way? But why should he care about that at all if he doesn't give a rats ass? Maybe, just maybe, he was afraid the same thing would happen to him now, I would assume, since you're coming out with these rather half-baked explanations yourself. And where did I say that? Certainly you should read all of my posts as well in regards to how I'm trying to connect such dots >_>

None of the examples with Kallen count because he cares about her from school and such as a deep friend. She is not just one of the Black Knights to Lelouch. And he left Japan so that he wouldn't have to fight Nunnally, not for the Black Knights. So that leaves Urabe, who he didn't want to sacrifice himself because he already had the explosives plan in play, and saving his army from being executed so that he wouldn't have to start all over from scratch and make a new one. Yeah. Great amounts of emotional care there. And in case you missed it, Lelouch, as he always does with the Black Knights, failed them when the chips were down and was more concerned with finding Nunnally after FLEIJA utterly destroyed them rather than actually making reasonable calls in Turn 19. Not to mention he didn't tell them about FLEIJA in the first place when he was warned, and he secretly ordered them to massacre a colony of pacifist researchers so he could make Rolo and V.V. atone for their sins in some Light Yagami-esque moment of feeling like all sinners except him should have righteous judgment passed on them. At that moment, he WAS acting irrationally and couldn;t even attend the meeting. They had every reason to think he was unstable. And quite to the contrary of what you think, Lelouch has actually failed them EXACTLY when the chips were down (both decisive battles of Tokyo). They forgave him the first time, but as they say, "Fool me once..."
Oh my freaking god, are you that insecure about your position that you have to suddenly take it out and diminish every little thing he does? Oh yeah, certainly that was his excuse on the whole matter, he didn't want to have to rebuild his army from scratch... where the hell does he say this exactly? What I remember was, that he didn't accept sacrificial tactics as acceptable, even though under the circumstances it would have been logically sound and bought him enough time to actually get his bomb plan into effect, which he risked quite recklessly on by not running before almost getting skewered by Rolo. Oh, and his whole montage after Urabe's sacrifice wasn't real either, I'm sure, because saying nice words to dead people who gave up their life for you must be just another conspiracy plot on his part as well. And the hell, which episode do you think I'm talking about anyway? It was Turn 7 not Turn 8 you boob! You know, the one where he almost gives up the rebellion entirely before he decides his fight isn't just for Nunnally anymore and he goes back and rescues their asses. I mean, you know, it wouldn't have been smarter for him if he really just only cared about Nunnally to let their asses sink to the floor, but not, he finds the resolve to continue on with the struggle with them. Okay, for one thing, nukes weren't freaking invented until just now, and it was coming from the at the time 'believed' liar Suzaku, you think Lelouch or anyone else who didn't know really know anything about FREJA would actually have bought it at the time that such a weapon existed? Oh and yes, the Geass Directorate was so innocent, after experimenting and turning out kids like Rolo must mean their research was very ethical and morally sound now all of a sudden, not to mention their contribution to Charles cause in terms of his control on the Geass aspect. Really, they were baby clean, I'm sure. Yeah, not buying into FREJA must have really put the blame on Lelouch, because the concept of WMD's were so well known, I'm sure the Imperial Japanese would like to have had a word with you concerning Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Any body else would have probably called it a bluff had they been in the same position and aware of the actual existence of such weapons. Where in the hell are you getting these excuses from seriously, I don't know if you're even trying anymore

The difference is Lelouch has always and still has this obsession with defeating Schneizel, whereas Schneizel bears no such feelings toward Lelouch. I was simply correcting him on that.
Well, you know, its not like Lelouch doesn't have a plan of his own called Zero Requiem in the works, so yes I'm sure his only goal in life must be to defeat Schneizel, because after all, Schneizel is the center of the world and as such whatever he says goes. That kind of overconfidence is going to kill Schneizel far as I can see >_>
"That is why we must embrace carnage. In order to not waste the blood that has already been shed, we have no choice but to shed even more."- Lelouch Vi Britannia

Last edited by KrimzonStriker; 2008-09-15 at 19:34.
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