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Old 2008-09-21, 05:08   Link #1431
A horrible person
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Norway / Telemark
Originally Posted by sezen_atacan View Post

Spoiler for history before shana:
You are a hero mate, if you read all of the 70 pages. But then, I think you would have the answers to your question if you did.

1) Shiro the skeleton? Yea, well... Remember of Devourer of City's? There was a Crimson lord who was in love with a flame haze that died and he wanted to bring her back to life.
But other Flame Hazes gathered together and kicked his ass and his teams ass. Shiro was on his team and got his ass kicked.

But every one was to late and nothing could be done but to activate TempaJosay (or what ever you spell it like). So here comes the complicated part.
The previous flame haze of Alastor was in love with Alastor (yes she kinda loved him) Shiro had feeling for her that never got approved and Wilhelmina had a thing going for him.

So basically, before Flame Haze of Alastor goes and suicide her self to stop the world from collapsing she tells him to find a successor and train her. Just like we seen in first season, some where ep 12-16.

2) Dint think there is any connection for Shiro and Bal Masque. Mathilda (is that her name?) the previous Flame Haze of Alastor spared his life. Probably due to wilhelmina as well.

3) Think Snake was dead long before Shiro ever knew the world. That just my assumption. No idea to be honest.

4) Think it is the part of what I told you, where a dude wanted to destroy whole city to bring his love to life. Might be wrong, any one who read the novels can shied some light on it? Again?

5) Anything can happen. Think that snake is a bit stronger then Alastor, some people mentioned it. But he was defeated by Alastor, or perhaps exiled?
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