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Old 2008-09-23, 14:19   Link #1267
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by azziz View Post
poor charlote(tabitha)i can't forgive the guy who kissed her in saito place;but what is happening to malicorne,is he jealous of saito because of Louise?
Yes. It's pretty much a running joke for Malicorne to get jealous of Saito and Louise, because his romantic life is 0, and he constantly gets violent over this.

Originally Posted by blitz1/2 View Post
uhh, does that mean that Tabitha gave up too?
Not really, since she still hasn't even admitted/accepted the fact she loves him.

Shouldn't you tag this as it is a plot point.
Hmm... Maybe so... Oh well, it's a bit late now. And the thread is marked [Spoilers], so no one should complain if they get spoiled when they don't want too.

Not necessarily. Saito could go back to his world, or one of the two could die.
It is possible, though unlikely, that one would die, but I'm not counting on it. Also, it's one thing if Louise dies (Ahhhh, the angry fans!), but if Saito dies, Louise would go into that depression and try to commit suicide again......
...Which is what was said this volume (not the same wording), which could be a death flag...

As for him choosing to go back to his world...
Chance getting less and less per volume...

Forgot my thoughts on our beloved incompetent queen...
Spoiler for Henrietta:

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