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Old 2008-09-28, 17:53   Link #1544
Magic Saito
The Phantom Thief
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Florida
I really liked this episode, and the manner they ended the series in, so I'll give it an 8/10.

Lelouch's death was certainly a powerful scene. And it was really sad, seeing Nunnally figure out the truth and then crying, saying that he was all she needed and that a future without him is meaningless. And then the events of the series flash by as he dies...

I felt that most of the characters (at least, the ones that I actually cared about) got their rightful closure, finding their own path in the world and all of them moving forward. Although! I'm a little bit mad about there being no Xingke in the epilogue. Sure, we get to see his Knightmare at the meeting between Ougi and Nunnally, but I'd feel a lot better about it if he was in one the pictures with the Tianzi (like Ougi and Viletta's wedding) and actually makes an appearance. I mean, I'd sure like to know how he's doing at least. (Or, if he's even still alive.)

As for Lelouch being alive or not...well, I'm sure they intended it to be open-ended so I won't go into any evidence or the sort. Personally, I believe Lelouch is dead. Mostly because it just makes his death scene that much more powerful to me, and it'd seem a little off to keep him alive. And it's a bit refreshing, in a way, for a protagonist to die.
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