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Old 2008-09-29, 19:12   Link #2965
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by Lord Ryo View Post
I’ll admit, the ending had me going “WTF?! I don’t like it.” But after watching it again I changed my opinion. And since so much of the ending was left to be figured out, that means I can decide how the ending goes for myself. I believe Lelouch was immortal and is living secretly with C.C. I like the way her eyes shifted upwards after saying that last line. Orange-kun, I liked his ending it was cool that he was able to look past the tarnished nick-name given to him and even made a life out of it. Kallen I don’t think should have had such a sad ending, the character deserved so much more, but no matter, Nunnally suffered the most crucial fate in the end. To hear her say that just living life with her brother was all she wanted in the first place made even thing Lelouch did almost for nothing. Even though she did see what Lelouch was really trying to accomplish in the end she was still left without the one thing she wanted most.

Overall the ending was perfect; I really hope that wagon driver is Lelouch, too many facts point to Lelouch having obtained Charles’ immortality so that’s what I believe. That one month gap in between where Lelouch was in the World of C with Suzaku and when he became emperor could explain so much. My imagination is running wild.
Definitely, he is alive. That cart driver is definitely him..I mean it's the last episode why would they waste a scene on a cart driver? C'mon now..
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