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Old 2008-09-30, 00:27   Link #3167
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Originally Posted by Revolutionist View Post
I agree to an extent and I can see where you're coming from.

There's probably a lot of people who wanted to see Lelouch die, as well as a lot of people who wanted to see him live. Not to mention people that wanted to see him be paired up with X character. So, how do you keep everyone happy? Have him die and make it ambiguous enough so that everyone is satisfied because they can draw their own conclusions. Same goes with the pairings, by not having the character end up with a love interest everyone kinda feels let down but they accept it because "hey at least he didn't end up with the pairing I don't like."

Either way, the conclusion was very poorly executed. And I believe it's the ambiguity of it that eats at people. If I want to make up my own ending I'd write my own goddamn story. The reason for watching an anime series, movie, tv show, or reading a book is simply to be told a story. A story with no conclusion is terrible and IMO shows lack of creativity. If you insert certain elements into the story and don't resolve them you've just failed at writing.

The story of Code Geass is not over, it can't be when there's still a lot of questions left unanswered. If they had answered everything there was about the Geass, Immortality Codes and finished it all up by having the main character die, so be it. At least everything was tied up. Instead we have the Geass unresolved, and the shady images and camera angles suggesting the main character is in fact alive...That's unacceptable, the writers need to have the balls to either kill someone off, or leave them alive.

Welcome to the terorrdome...

This is basically my gripe with every anime that does this...By caving in to ambiguity you chose nothing over something, but to Sunrise that "nothing" is everything...

Originally Posted by NGale
It's just a matter of asking advices or giving orders like 'lay out the best policy for the people while stabilizing the budget/etc with all your intellect and might.'
That's so ghey, to use Schnizzle' Fabulous skills like a doll with a string who spits out the right answer, damn...I was never a fan of Schnizel being the endboss (which he failed at), but it's kinda wak to convey the message that he's actually good then use his perceived goodness as mental and psychological slavery...Something just not right about all the smiling and happy wedding pics when you still have to enslave someone just to keep stability when you've clearly won...Kinda goes against freeing the world of geass and pursuing free will when the world's best tactician is under the command of the least decisive character in the CG-Universe...Oh well...

Oh and I'm having a little fun with the whole Rice-farmer thing, but I actually reject the fact that Lulu is still alive, but with him seemingly dead I just don't think the Fake Zero thing will work either...Glad I mentally checked out after Charles bit the dust^^...
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