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Old 2008-10-01, 23:39   Link #3132
Kang Seung Jae
神聖カルル帝国の 皇帝
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Korea
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
I'm gonna change the subject here. But first, a question:

Where the hell did this theory of "The Code activates when you first die!" bit come from? When was such a tidbit revealed? I sure as hell don't remember it being revealed, and I try to keep up to date on when this information is posted. Last I checked, all we knew about the Code is that it grants immortality, Geass contracts, and nifty mindraping powers. And that some people will use it for the lulz. Not once have I seen this "It activates when you first die" crap, until Lelouch died and C.C. made that statement that drove thousands of Lelouch fans insane.

So please, someone tell me where it came from and tell me if that bit of knowledge is true. Because right now, it looks like crap to me.
1. C.C.'s Code Activation. Why would she have a knife wound on her breast?

2. Charles: He ws affected by Lelouch's Geass, although we know he had took V.V.'s Code.
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