Thread: Gundam - Q & A
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Old 2008-10-02, 01:24   Link #246
Epyon Custom
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Hello, I'm a new member and I have a question regarding the different versions of Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz.

I taped the Toonami airing of the film when it first was shown about 7 or 8 years ago. But I recently was watching the "Special Edition" online thanks to streaming technology (sue me ) and I noticed that some of the songs that were in the Toonami version weren't present in this version. This version also had new songs in scenes that didn't have a song in the Toonami version. The Toonami version was the edited version while this "Special Edition" was the unedited version.

I'm not sure if that's the reason though. I did some research regarding the different versions and I found out that there's one that is separated into 3 episodes called the OVA version....I think. And then you have the other version which is just one big movie. The one that I taped (Toonami airing) was separated into three episodes.

Some of the consumer reviews talked about how the Special Edition version (one big movie) had more scenes and more songs present than the OVA version and that it's the ideal version to watch and that seems to be true because I noticed some additional scenes. But I definitely noticed some cool songs missing from the Special Edition version, such as when Duo and Heero are driving the ship into the colony towards the beginning. In my Toonami version there was a really cool song that played during that scene, but in the Special Edition version there was no music at all. Also, in the Toonami version White Reflection plays during the montage in the middle of the film, but a different songs plays in the Special Edition along with a narrator.

So does anyone know about these different versions of Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz? I would like to purchase the movie on DVD instead of continually relying on my taped version, but I would like some clarification on these different version before I do so.

Thank you!
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